Chris Zurbrigg Starts up a New Series Explores QT5 and PySide2 for Maya in Detail.
The developer of Keyframe Player, (Blue Pencil, and the Charcoal Editor) recently offers a new series that serves as a high-level overview for working with PySide2 in Maya. Chris Zurbrigg is a software developer, working on custom tools, pipeline development, and production workflows. Other than his essential artist tools, Zurbrigg is also known for giving back to the community. If you want to learn Python for Maya, Chris has an extensive tutorial series that covers an introduction to Python, and more advanced elements of the scripting language for Maya tools alongside tips and tricks.
Zurbrigg’s new series is an intermediate one that goes into the details of learning how to work with QT and PySide2 to create sophisticated user interfaces in Maya. The first video in this series provides an overview of Qt and PySide. It also describes the goals for the rest of the tutorials and details the tools needed.
Visit the page for Zurbrigg’s PySide2 for Maya series for the rest of the videos.