How to Create a Kaleidoscope Effect with Fusion

VFXstudy shows how to use simple transforms and expressions to create a Kaleidoscope Effect with Fusion or Resolve.

Level up in creating custom shapes and transformations within Blackmagic Design’s Fusion or Davinci Resolve with this look at creating a Kaleidoscope Effect. VFXstudy’s Bernd Klimm shows how to use expressions and simple transforms to create a mesmerizing geometric Kaleidoscope look.

“Creating masks and transforms is easy; getting the shapes and animation patterns you desire for motion graphics can be tricky,” Klimm notes on the process. Following along with the tutorial you will gain experience building custom shapes and transforms, and you will see how you can tie Fusion tools together using simple expressions.

Klimm has a complete starter course for Fusion 9 that covers all the basics and some more advanced stuff too. Visit the site for Black Magic Fusion 9 – Your Journey from Novice to Expert for a free trial, or to purchase the course for around $20.