iExpressions 3 lets you do some amazing things with shape layers in After Effects.
There is no question that expressions in After Effects are a great way to create and link complex systems together. The thing is, not everyone is well versed in scripting that way. Writing expressions for some of the simplest things can get pretty unruly pretty quickly. That is why products like MamoWorld’s iExpressions exist. The After Effects extension lets you work with expressions without writing any code at all.
Now a new iExpressions 3 release sees some powerful shape layer expressions added and much more. The latest version allows you to attach arrowheads to shape, auto-deform shapes based on their direction. You can also animate the unfolding any vector line, which looks pretty cool. The new Shape Expressions can create and modify shape paths in various ways. Create wavy lines or trails, elastic shapes, unfold shapes, or connect your layers with curves.
Also, iExpressions can import your expressions now – it analyzes the code, finds parameters you might want to modify, and generates a UI for you. So you can finally manage all your expressions in one place.