How to do Copy Stamp Via For Each in Houdini

Rohan Dalvi shows how to do a copy stamp using a For Each loop in Houdini.

Copy Stamp is something that’s deprecated in Houdini for a few versions now. For those that still use that feature here and there, check out is a quick tutorial from Rohan Dalvi, a copy stamp user himself, that shows how to do copy stamp via for each.

Copy Stamp Via For Each.

Copy Stamp is no longer the recommended way to create variations when copying to points in Houdini. Instead, a for each loop is more manageable, efficient, and much simpler to understand.

By using point attributes on the target points to influence copy generation inside a For-Each loop, it’s pretty easy to vary the geometry in copies. Rohan’s tutorial shows both methods and how you can transition into using For-Each Loops if you haven’t already.