Travis Davids shows an easy way to manage labels and stickers using Octane in Cinema 4D.
No matter which renderer or host 3D app you use, it seems that applying labels and stickers is pretty tricky. Well, it all depends on how difficult you want to make things. This new tutorial from Travis Davids shows a straightforward way that you can apply labels and stickers using Cinema 4D and Octane Renderer.
Apply Labels the Easy Way.
The tutorial covers working with Adobe Photoshop to prepare all of the images and textures. “I want to show you a very easy way to apply labels/stickers onto any piece of 3D geometry,” Davids says. The technique also ends up being a fantastic way of texturing an object by using the power of a labeling system.
Download the project file for the tutorial here.
About Travis Davids.
Travis Davids is a Freelance Digital Artist from South Africa that has been working in the Entertainment and Graphic Design Industry since 2009