How to Use the New Attribute Noise With the Pyro Solver

Rohan Dalvi covers the new attribute nodes in Houdini 18.5 and how they affect smoke sims.

Houdini 18.5 completely re-wrote the Attribute Noise SOP to work with all levels, be more convenient, and have a bit more power behind it. 

The Attribute Noise SOP provides a simple interface for quickly adding coherent noise to float and vector attributes without creating VOP networks or writing VEX code. Those noise changes also mean that you need to work a bit differently.

This new tutorial by Rohan Dalvi shows how you can work with Attribute Noise and add noise to the density, temperature, and other attributes from a pyro simulation.

About Rohan Dalvi.

Rohan Dalvi is a veteran 3D Artist and Trainer covering Side FX Houdini techniques and concepts.