Jamie Hamel-Smith has proven to be an extremely helpful resource with his Five Minute Cinema 4D Tips in the past, and here, in answer to a viewer question on how to go about creating a Corrugated Pipe in Cinema 4D, posts a new quicktip showing just that – how to create a corrugated pipe that’s easily repeatable and can be deformed along a curving path.

what techniques I would use to create corrugated pipe that’s easily repeatable and can be deformed along a curving path? After creating a quick mock-up I realized that it took me about 5 minutes, and thus it could make a great Five Minute Tip. Check out the video below for the full technique.

Here Jamie creates a pipe segment and uses the Mograph Cloner to repeat the segment, which will take care of the corrugated part.

Then by using a Connect Object to connect the various segments together, it is just a matter of having the segments follow the pipe, and this can be achieved by employing a Spline Wrap Deformer easily. Check out the tutorial for Creating Corrugated Pipes Using Spline Wrap Deformers and a Mograph Cloner in Cinema 4D here.