
I just dug this up the other day and already made good use of it. Hexagon Grid Creator is a small MEL script in Maya that will create hexagons and hexagon patterns.

Hexagon Grid Creator builds hexagon-like strips or models with a click of a button. The interface panel offers parameters for orientation, radius, column and rows, and offset, making it easy to create a base for modeling or other operations in Maya. Seems like a simple thing, but you won’t know how useful it is until you have a need or have done one by had each time.

Check out the Maya Script for the Hexagon Grid Creator here.

Hexagon Grid Creator for Maya:

  • Orient — determining the origin shape of base hexagon.
  • Radius — the radius of each poly hexagon (i.e. the basic size).
  • N.rows/N.columns — number of hexagon in row or column.
  • offset — define the distance between each hexagon (doesn’t affect the size).
  • Interior Edge — turn on this option to create edges connecting to the center for each hexagon.
  • Group Hexagons — the grid consists of separated hexagons, turn on this option to group all these hexagons (recommanded).

1 comment

  1. Peter Van Aken

    It would be perfect for insect compound eyes… about a thousand per eye as bump or snapped to the eye spherical surface somehow.

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