Dojo Orbit Offers Easy Radial Array Animations for After Effects

VinhSon Nguyen posts look at using his new After Effects tool called Dojo Orbit. The script will allow you to easily create radial array type of animations easily within Ae.

allows you to arrange your layers into various circular formations

Dojo Orbit allows you to arrange your layers into circular formations, using expressions and pseudo effect controls that can be animated. The Dojo Orbit script operates in three different modes letting you distribute layers into a 3D spiral, add fading falloff, and auto animate orbiting animations.

The script can come in handy for distributing and animating objects radially.


dojo orbit for after effects


Dojo Orbit Features:

  • 3 Orbit Modes
  • Powerful rigged expressions with custom pseudo effect for easy customization
  • Arrange layers into perfect circles and spirals
  • Add scale and opacity falloffs with option for offsetting
  • Z offset for 3D spirals
  • Orient rotation
  • Live preview of circular placement
  • Orbit around layers in 3D (X, Y, and Z axis)

The script is being offered through’s “name your own price” platform. Check out the page for Dojo Orbit for After Effects to learn more or to get the script.