Wiggle the wiggle, for a more natural wiggle? The classic-wiggle expressions in After Effects is pretty easy to use, and it offers a great way to add random animation to any channel attribute. The problem might be that it is to easily recognizable as a wiggle? If you feel that this is the case, you should check out Motion Array’s, Tyler Williams latest After Effects tips for wiggling elements in After Effects.
In this After Effects tutorial, you’ll learn a couple of simple tricks for using the wiggle expression.
The first trick, which you are probable already familiar with, is to hook up the frequency and amplitude to a slider, so that they can easily be key-framed. This is a great way to animate the motion of the wiggle, or turn on and off the procedurally animated effect.
The second trick involves adding another wiggle expression to the slider values themselves, giving you a more natural wiggle motion, that wont be instantly identified as the standard Ae wiggle.
If you want to look further into randomizing the wiggle expression in After Effects, you can have a look at Mikey Borup’s tutorial, which showed how you can add a random generator to your wiggle expressions for a more unique look.