Want to dock stuff? Of course you do, I mean who doesn’t. Specifically, do you want to be able to dock the Outliner in Maya 2011? I sure did… it wasn’t enough for me that there was a window preset, I wanted that #@% thing docked! Why you may ask, well because of the TABS man, a docked outliner will have tabs so you can have the same functionality as the attribute editor and the channel box… the TABS! Well thanks to Anuradha Jayathilaka, now you can… well you always could really with a bit of wizardry, but Docker for Maya is a much easier way. Free y’all.

You could script it up yourself, the code to do so is:

OutlinerWindow; dockControl -area “left” -content outlinerPanel1 -label “outliner” -allowedArea “left” -allowedArea “right” -width 250; deleteUI “outlinerPanel1Window” ;

this will also work for the hypershade:

HypershadeWindow; dockControl -area “left” -content hyperShadePanel1 -label “Hypershade” -allowedArea “left” -allowedArea “right” -width 600; deleteUI “hyperShadePanel1Window” ;

or the script editor!

ScriptEditor; dockControl -area “right” -content scriptEditorPanel1 -label “ScriptEditor” -allowedArea “left” -allowedArea “right” -width 600; deleteUI “scriptEditorPanel1Window” ;

I think you get the picture.