J Adam Burke has developed abxRenderlayers a script for Autodesk Maya that extends the layer editor menus directly in the maya interface to include functions to rebuild layers, import and export render layers between scene files (wow nice!) and much more… pretty cool. The script apparently is in beta right now, however there appears to be a $20.00 charge for it anyway at Creative Crash… wth, its beta. – can I charge for things I haven’t made yet? I will try.

“Maya’s render layers are notoriously stubborn, often breaking when reopening scenes or when working with referencing in a production pipeline. I desgined these tools to overcome and recover scenes and render layers suffering from these problems. This script extends the Layer Editor menus to include function to do the following:

– repairs and recovers locked render layers caused by referencing
– instantly rebuild all render layers, even locked layers
– import and export your render layers between scene files
– diagnose locked layers to find out what nodes are missing
– interface to list and remove individual layer members, overrides, and shader overrides

* this is an early working beta. Bugs are most assuredly present but I want to get this tool out there because render layer issues are so varied and so difficult to predict that I want to test it on as many different scenarios as possible. $20 is allot to pay for a beta but I assure you this script will save you hours if not days of rebuilding lighting scenes that have become corrupted.”