Ryan DowlingSoka steps up with a tutorial for Houdini and shows how to create an asteroid field by means of instancing in Houdini.
Ryan DowlingSoka writes: This is a tutorial for instancing in Houdini. We will be creating an asteroid field to show some of the attributes you can use on a set of points for instancing.
The heavy lifting will be done by a free tool you can get here: ryandowlingsoka.com/share/instance_attr.otl – The tool takes advantage of the built in attributes that control how instances are rendered in houdini. It is not necessary to use the tool to create instance effects, but it will greatly speed up the initial workflow. If the instance does not show up in the tab/backspace menu do not worry, instead open a python shell (alt+shift+p), drag the object container node into the shell, and add ” .createNode(“instance_attr”) ” to the end of the hou.node line.