Exocortex recently unveiled an update to Species, a new Character Creation System for Softimage that can speed up character workflow by combining base-mesh modeling steps and rigging in one easy to use process. Exocortex has added many new features and improvements to Species for Softimage based on user feedback – check out what is new in Exocortex Species for Softimage here.
The newest release of Exocortex Species 1.2 includes:
- Easier to find documentation.
- Improved stability.
- 8 example scenes that include the resulting rigged characters.
- An accessible top-level menu for accessing Species functionality.
- Plug-in preferences for Species.
- Right-click context menu for accessing commands for Species PropRigs.
- Improved envelope weighting.
- Re-oriented neck bones to allow for consistent rotation axes on neck and head controls.
- Re-sized male and female prop rigs to better match XSI Man’s scale.
- Numerous bug fixes
Exocortex Species simplifies the process of human character creation from designing your character’s unique attributes, integrating sculpting results, to rig creation, even animation. With Species, you will create higher quality animated characters faster and at a lower cost, while avoiding the generic look that often come when purchasing off-the-shelf models. Exocortex Species supports both Autodesk Softimage 2010, 2011 and 2012 on both Windows and Linux.