Miguel Rosa Duque shows a round-trip of using Maya with Human IK to ipiSoft marker-less motion capture and then taking that information back to Maya and using it for a character in this 5 part video showing his process.

iPi Desktop Motion Capture is a markerless motion capture technology that puts motion capture at the desktop level. You can record a video using 1 or 2 MS Kinects, webcams or digital cameras and have it converted to 3D animation on your computer.

Maya to ipisoft back to Maya – Part 1 ( Creating HumanIK )

Maya to ipisoft back to Maya – Part 2 ( ipiRecorder )

Maya to ipisoft back to Maya – Part 3 ( ipiDMC Workflow )

Maya to ipisoft back to Maya – Part 4 ( Adding MOCAP FBX and Re-Targetting in Maya )

Maya to ipisoft back to Maya – Part 5 ( Pre-Visualization with Custom Mesh in ipiDMC )

1 comment

  1. ipisoft with kinect is really helpful for setting up a home motion capture system..

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