Jorrit Schulte with a timely tutorial showing how to get full-on 3D reflections and reflection falloff in an After Effects 3D scene while using Trapcode Form or Trapcode Particular. Check out the tutorial for Creating Full 3d Reflections With Falloff Using Form or Particular here.
“Ever wanted to create reflections with Trapcode Form or Trapcode Particular? Now you can! You’ll learn not only that, but also how to create falloff of transparency and blur, just like in a 3d application.”
Jorrit shows how to recreate the scene from the final result video which has some lighting and animation associated with the Form Object, however the real concept to take away from this tutorial is how to get the reflections going in the After Effects scene. Jorrit Schulte employs a clever technique in getting believable reflections in After Effects from Trapcode Form / Particular by using a duplicate composition with the Trapcode Form shape in it, and using that in conjunction with a matte and the new lighting tools in Form and Particular to in essence “fake” reflections.