Footprint Production’s Marc Pearson has a look at the basics involved in using the Thinking Particles System in Cinema 4D. Marc compares the Thinking Particles to the standard particle emitter in Cinema, shows some basic setup. The plan is to have a multi-part look at using thinking particles in cinema 4D diving more in depth with their use.

In this tutorial I will begin to walk you through the Thinking Particle system in Cinema4D

Not to be confused with Cebas Thinking Particle System for 3ds MAX, Thinking Particles in Cinema 4D uses the Xpresso interface to provide better control over individual particles and streams and particles can interact with the environment, as well as each other in an event based system. Using thinking Particles you are able to emit particles from anything in the cinema 4D scene really, from points, edges, or surface normals of any object with surface emission or even emission from a volume.

For more tutorials in using Cinema 4D’s thinking particles, you should check out Sam Welker over at his blog where he has dabbled in using them on multiple projects and tutorials. I mean, his blog is called “thinkParticle”… come on… check it out!