Technical Artist Chris Russell shares his Python script for Maya which assists in assigning weight values for skinned models. The cr_SkinAssist sits uniquely to provide an alternative to the Component Editor in Maya and as an assistant to the Paint Skin Weights Brush, giving you pretty much exact control of the amount of weight applies per joint based on a selection. Check out the cr_SkinAssist Python script for Maya here.

…a python script for Maya that serves as a series of mini-tools for weighting and as an alternative to the Component Editor. It also
assist with isolating influenced regions to help focus weighting on chosen regions…

cr_skinAssist has a prune and mirror weights feature that operates while preserving poses, and the script also provides a better method of ordering of weight distribution along with the ability to either shrink or expand an isolated mesh by influence. Chris has also provided a look at the cr_skinAssist tools in action below.

Relecntly release, Chris has already provided an update that fixes and changes:

  • Bugs ironed out
  • More error catching, checks for proper mesh that is skinned
  • Isolated influenced mesh can add or chrink isolation by slider
  • Prune weights iplement for both single and all joints, added tool to highlight and exclude joints from pruning
  • Mirror weights tool added in
  • Mirror/Prune both require symmetry, tool will send model to bing pose then back to pose user has without disrupting it