Stephan G had an interesting problem while in Cinema 4D, he wanted to clone a sphere, and then place a smaller sphere on to the surface of those clones… so, in essence cloning onto clones, sort of like inception for cloner objects in Cinema 4D.

Just a little quick tip for Cinema 4D. I show you a solution how to clone onte cloners. The way i thought this works (set the second cloner to object mode, drag the first cloner into the object field) did not work. This is my little workaround. If you know any better solutions or find mistakes I made in the first place, please tell me

Creating Clones in Cinema 4D is a simple process, however if you try to iterate that process the in same way, it doesn’t really end up working. Here Stephan has created a little work-around and shares his findings for being able to clone onto objects that are already clones.