Adding IES lighting profiles to lights in your rendering can ad a whole other degree of realism, and with good reason, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) has been around for over 100 years, and provides the standards for real life lighting engineers, creating a file format For the electronic transfer of Luminaire Component Data which most rendering engines can read and use.
The following tutorial assumes that the user has a basic knowledge of creating and using “VRayIES” and “Photometric” lights parameters
Jamie Cardoso walks us through creating your own customized IES format lighting profile using a handy little tool called IES Generator which will allow you to open IES profiles and modify them into your own customized look for your next rendering project.
Jamie notes that the tutorial isn’t really about the technical aspects of using the IES profiles in V-Ray or Mental Ray with the VRayIES and Photometric light parameters respectively, however he does show you step by step how to edit and create your own IES Lighting profile that you can use with V-Ray and Mental Ray.
Tim Borggren Larsen
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