Daniel Gies continues the series for creating and rigging characters in After effects by revisiting his “From Paper to After Effects” Series.

With installments for lessons 07, 08, and 09 and 10 Daniel takes a look at putting the puppet pieces in place, assigning correct anchors for anticipation of animation, and showing some troubleshooting in “real time” which can show how easy it is to paint yourself into a corner when trying to set up a character for animation in After Effects.

In this video I position the anchor points for the Torsos and deal troubleshoot some problems with the design

Lesson 07 looks at positioning the anchor points for the Torsos and deal troubleshoot some problems with the design, while lesson 08 shows the importing of the segmented limbs into the primary character composition, positioning all the pieces and re-ordering the layers.

Lessons 09 and 10 shows some tweaks, clean up and finishing touches including some troubleshooting in getting some character parts working correctly. Check out the latest installments for the series From Paper to After Effects here.