MASH Procedural Animation Toolkit for Maya sees an update to version 2.2 which adds a fully featured and new Audio Node, which will allow you to easily drive attributes with audio by means of simple frequency analysis.
Also added is a new influence node which will allow for better control of MASH networks, effecting attributes with in-scene locators, using them as a guide to apply effects by manipulating the locator’s placement, scale, rotations and fall off.
added a fully featured Audio node for performing FFT (frequency analysis) inside Maya, and an Influence node that allows you to use locators as ‘Guide’ objects for some very cool effects
Also of note in the MASH 2.2 update are improvements to MASH’s Flight, Curve, Offset, Mute, Deformer and Distribute nodes.
MASH has seen some pretty great and constant updates recently, growing into a robust tool for creating procedural animation and motion graphic type animations easily. Certainly if you are an Autodesk Maya user and have seen some of the workflows associated with Maxon’s Cinema 4D, you had to have looked at Maya knowing that similar processes can be done, however not as easily… MASH changes that.
MASH supports Maya 2012, 2013, 2013.5 and 2014 for Mac and PC – and as a trial, you can download a free version of MASH that has a limitation of 20 objects. MASH is available for £75 ($120) for people outside the EU and for people with a VAT registration number inside the EU, and £89.99 for everyone else.