QubaHQ Posts a new Chromatic Aberration Rig with a look on its use. I hope that you all remember Quba Michalski. If you don’t, Quba offered a great resource for After Effects tutorials that covers some great topics. Well, Quba is back with what he calls “season 2”. Ti has been nearly two years since Quba has done a tutorial, and I for one feel that was way too long – he was greatly missed!
With his return, Quba offers a quick explanation of what chromatic aberration is, where it comes from, and why it is prevalent in work today. Nearly 6 months have passed since Quba teased some images that used his Chromatic Aberration Rig. Something that he had been working on for a while, that would allow you to set up chromatic aberration easily when ever you wanted it in After Effects.
In this tutorial I will discuss the optics of chromatic aberration and common ways of reproducing it in vfxQuba Michalski – QubaHQ.com
Quba’s Chromatic Aberration Rig stated out very similar to how the stop motion kit operated, and Quba found it to be laking, in that it was difficult to use and didn’t live up to the promise of making Chromatic Aberration an easy thing in AE. This was due to the limitations of using expressions throughout the rig.
Quba turned to scripting. In actually Quba learned, then turned to scripting. This provided a much more reliable tool and a much cleaner way of doing things in Ae. Now the Chromatic Aberration Rig will automate the effect, provide plenty of controls, and do it all with a simple 2-click procedure.
You should definitely check out the tutorial for Quba’s Chromatic Aberration Rig over on QubaHQ here… and we are all look forward to season 2 of qHQ.
More with Chromatic Aberration in After Effects
School of Motion’s Joey Korenmanhad a comparative look at creating the same effect in two different applications, using both After Effects and Nuke to create the chromatic aberration effect with the post Comparing Chromatic Aberration Techniques in After Effects and Nuke.
Cyril Kotecky also had a look at creating the chromatic aberration look using some different methods in After Effects with the post Techniques for Adding Chromatic Aberration in After Effects.
Aharon Rabinowitz had a look at using the chromatic aberration tool in Red Giant’s Magic Bullet Looks with the post red giant magic bullet looks, chromatic aberration.
Quba Michalski
Ohhh *stretches* it’s good to be back!
Thanks for the write-up Lester 🙂