MographCandy posts his favorite 32 C4D Quick Tips all in one place. These were previously posted tips that showed up on the MographCandy Facebook page at one point or another. The tips range from short cut keys, modeling basics, to Thinking Particles.
Check out the guide as to what tips show up at what point of the video:
- :07 Adding Points To Splines
- :50 Animated Noise Shader Previews
- 1:35 Weld and Dissolve Tools
- 3:30 Volumetric Light Sample Distance
- 4:56 Knife Tool Visible Only Option
- 6:22 View Clipping
- 8:20 Simple User Data and Xpresso Setup
- 11:15 Thinking Particles, Cloner objects, and Shapes
- 12:52 Slide Tool Basics
- 14:55 Single Hair Guides
- 15:40 Knife Tool Offset For Perfect Cuts
- 17:27 Restrict To Selection
- 18:25 Protection Tag Limiter
- 19:17 Viewport Point Size
- 20:42 Vary Symmetry With Brush Tool
- 22:50 Measure and Construction Tool
- 25:09 Enlarged Material Preview
- 26:17 Moving Points with Move and Live Selection Tools
- 28:25 Hot Key “7”
- 29:23 Hidden Extrude and Inner Extrudes
- 30:12 Generate UVW Coordinates With Projected Materials
- 31:30 Full Animation Redraw
- 32:30 Focus Distance
- 33:54 Dynamics Random Seed
- 35:04 Deformed Editing
- 35:53 Create Outline Spline
- 37:09 Cloner Spline Morphs
- 39:00 Camera Lock Pivot
- 40:13 Replace Command
- 41:45 Matrix Extrude Modifier Keys
- 42.38 Brush vs. Magnet Tools
- 50:27 Backface Culling
- 53:48 ASE Swatches In C4D