This “Drawable” Facial Rig Will Amaze You

Oscar Medina Zamorano posts a small tech demo for his personal project, which he calls “Mr Drawing Animator”. Mr. Drawing Animator will allow you to use a pencil to draw lines that represent the style and features of the face, and has the facial rig respond to that drawing input. This is shows in the later half of the video starting at 3:40.


Drawing to control the face of a character is something I have never seen before. Oscar draws out the shape of the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, etc, and the facial rig responds by matching the drawn lines. Pretty astounding stuff!

Mr. Drawing Animator looks like it has been in development a while, where are some early tests that date back almost a year ago:

Fred Rig (WIP):
Development for
– 2D Character Design by Jose Mansuy Yamba (
– 3D Sculp and Modeling by Jose Rodriguez Sepulveda (
– 3D Prop Modeling by Alberto Domingo Rodríguez Sepúlveda
– Shading and Texture by Estefanía Arasa (
– Animation test and Rig Feedback by Sara Cueto Ferrero (

Mr Drawing Animator:
Personal Project (In Development).
– More information here:



1 comment

  1. jlkjlw

    It’s too bad that people who work at studios can’t post their stuff. This is old hat for rigs already.


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