X-Particles 3 Will Include a New FLIP Solver for Better Fluid Simulations

X-Particles has climbed to probably the number one tool that every C4D user should get -That is with good reason. X-Particles offer unprecedented power with some very easy controls in comparison to C4D’s dated particles or thinking particles platform.

There has recently been a buzz about a new release for X-Particles, that would include a major update.




Bit by bit, Mike Batchelor and Insydium have been letting tidbits of information out regarding what may be in store for X-Particles 3.

One of the most anticipated features may be X-Particles 3’s new FLIP (fluid impact) Solver. The new FLIP solver will prove to make creating smoke, fire and liquid simulations much bettering in X-Particles 3.

Also hinted at is the Elektrix object, which is specifically designed for creating lightning or electrical effects, a new branding modifier for creating breached structures, a new network modifier for creating particle grids and a tendril modifier that will allow for tentacle type of motion and effects. Other features will include

  • At least another 8 new modifiers in addition to the ones mentioned above
  • True subframe emission and subframe modifier operation to reduce/eliminate particle banding
  • Greatly enhanced role for particle groups
  • Additional Questions and Actions
  • Many existing modifiers reworked and enhanced

To learn more about some of the new features that are slated for X-Particles 3, check out the page at Insydium here: X-Particles 3 Features, and the X-Particles 3 Facebook page where more up-to-the-minute information will be posted.