Pariah Studios’s Rob Redman has been doing some really concise and quick tips lately, covering a wide range of topics in Cinema 4D. When recently asked how to go about modeling seams and piping, like the kind you would see on furniture and cushions, he decided to share his technique.

modeling things like seams and piping on furniture

using Cinema 4D’s Edge to Spline, can be pretty simple to create seams & edge piping that could work on a variety of objects, not just furniture. Rob notes you can use this to create weld marks on hard surface models as well. Check out the tutorial for creating seams and edge piping in Cinema 4D here.


I was recently asked how I would go about modeling things like seams and piping on furniture so thought it might be interesting for you all to see. This very simple technique works for lots of thing, not just soft furniture. You can use it for some really good looking weld too.