DomeMaster3D tools were only available for Maya, 3Ds Max, and for a short time, SoftImage. Soon, DomeMaster will also add Cinema 4D to that list.
Andrew Hazelden’s DomeMaster Stereo shader is designed to create 2D & 3D full-dome renderings for use in planetariums and other full-dome theaters. The shader is also capable of creating spherical/equirectangular renderings with the LatLong Stereo shader.
A stereo shader is designed to create 2D & 3D fulldome renderings for use in planetariums and other fulldome theaters
DomeMaster C4DtoA
Andrew shows off where the DomeMaster project is at within Maxon’s Cinema 4D, using the Arnold C4DtoA renderer. Andrew mentions that at this point, he is working on refining the user interface for the Cinema 4D Arnold Shader version of DomeMaster, and writing up the documentation.
Using DomeMaster in C4D
Once the DomeMaster lens shaders for Cinema4D are released, you will be able to download them from the Domemaster3D GitHub page and simply place them in the Cinema 4D plugins folder.
Once installed, the DomeMaster lens shaders can be found in C4D by right clicking on a camera in the Object view, and adding a custom C4DtoA tag called “Arnold Parameters” to the camera.
Andrew also shares a couple of work in progress images on his site. Check out Andrew’s post Domemaster3D for Cinema4D + Arnold C4DtoA for a look.