Printing out your 3D artwork may pose a bit of a challenge. Much more needs to happen than hitting “print” like you would with simple 2D printing on paper.
Send to any public printing service like shapeways, 3dhubs, immaterialise. etc.
Knowing this, there are a few tools that help you check your model for specific 3D printing services and printers.
Recently, 3DShook has released 3D Print Exporter for Maya, that will allow you to print your 3D model to any public service.
You can print directly to popular services such as ShapeWays, 3DHubs, Immaterialise, and others.
The 3D Printing Exporter lets you select your grid and scale for the object, quickly auto center to plate, and export your objects as OBJ’s in a ZIP file with the push of a button.
The 3D Exporter is offered freeware. Check out the 3D Printing Exporter for Maya for more information and a download.