Bryan Woodard posts another Maya script that will allow you to create and extrude curves based on particle positions. The ParticleToTube Script uses particles to drive the positions of the curves. The script will then extrude shape down the path of the curve.

Use particles to drive the position of the path extrusions

The extrusion is based on the birth and death of the particle settings. The ParticleToTube Script, unsurprisingly, is based off of Bryan’s other recent script, particleToCurve. This script basically takes that concept a step forward.


The Python driven ParticleToTube script works under a simple premise. The script uses a disk in Maya composed of one face. That is then extruded down the length of the curve using the polyExtrudeFacet command.

The last post from Bryan, saw a Particle to Bubble script. The script lets you easily convert Maya’s nParticles and replace them with objects. The individual particle positions are replaced an nCloth driven bubble. This allows for a much better bubble simulations. Bubbles can interact with objects in the scene, and each other.

Check out and download Bryan Woodward’s ParticletoTube Script for Maya.