Arvid Schneider and Rico Koschmitzky have updated the Arutils plugin for Maya which includes an Arnold Viewport Render Region tool. The Arutils update adds support for Maya 2016, and includes color management support.
Maya 2016 supported now, including custom LUT usage and Mayas View Transform
The Arutils arViewportRender allows you to create renders right in the Maya viewport when using the Arnold rendering engine. The latest release offers support for Maya 2016 , including custom LUT usage and Maya’s View Transform system.
It also has the option to reinitialize the viewport render region at latest position, and increases the handle and icon sizes on viewport render regions, making it easier to select and move around.
Arsutils version 0.1.4 also introduces the option for bucketSize and threadCount. This will allow you to start the viewport render region with a thread count override, making Maya run more smoothly. You can also set the bucket size independently from Maya’s global render settings.
There are also a host of bug fixes added to the release. For More information on those, check out the Arutils change log.