You can set up flocking systems in Maya using expressions and nodes, or you have the option to use simple flocking behaviors in a tool such as the procedural animation toolkit that is MASH for Maya.
Recently however, there is a new flocking system available for Autodesk Maya that lets you create intricate flocking and steering behaviors through Maya’s Particle System. Particle Flocker is a windows only node for Maya that can create realistic flocking behaviors easily.
A fully Featured Real-Time Particle Flocking System for Autodesk Maya
Particle Flocker is a new node that integrates into Maya and uses Maya’s own dynamics system to create particle based flocking effects. The Particle Flocker plugin uses a force field system that allows animators and effects artists to easily apply flocking behaviors.
The system was designed to create visually stunning and accurate flocking animations in a short amount of time. Particle Flocker has all the standard flocking features including Boid Separation, Velocity Matching, and Flock Centering. The system also has a variety of applicable behaviors. You can choose between Seek, Flee, Wander, Path Follow, and easily apply collision avoidance.
Particle Flocker is a Windows only node. You can download a free 14 day evaluation trial, or purchase Particle Flocker for $19.00.
Have a look at Particle Flocker in use to get a better idea of how it operated, in this muti-part tutorial series:
Barth van Rossum
Seems like a useful addition, but unfortunately I experienced some stability issues (I am using Maya 2016 SP4)
I just downloaded the trial, installed it, clicked “cancel” when prompted for the license key (to start the 14 day trial), Maya chrashed…
I restarted Maya, opened the Particle Flocker Window to try again, and got the message:
“Your trial period for Particle Flocker has expired. Please visit TechToast online to purchase a full license from our website.”
Obviously these were the shortest 14 days in my life…
hope it will be fixed!