Mograph Plus’ Kamel Khezri posts another excerpt from his “Comprehensive introduction to ARNOLD for Cinema 4D” course, which covers everything you wanted to know about getting started with Arnold rendering in Cinema 4D.
how to use Custom AOVs and Object Mask in Arnold For Cinema 4d
Here, Kamel shows how you can use custom AOVs and object masks in Arnold. AOVs, or Arbitrary Output Variables, which is similar to siphoning off buffers (or images you can get for free, without a re-render) with other renderers. This inherently is different from a render pass, which technically requires a separate render process. A render pass would typically be a final gather pass, or baked light pass.
As previously mentioned this is a small part of the larger training title, “Comprehensive introduction to ARNOLD for Cinema 4D” which offers an in depth look at getting started with Arnold in Cinema 4D and the workflows involved. The course amounts to over 8 hours of content. More information on the Comprehensive introduction to ARNOLD for Cinema 4D can be found on Mograph Plus.