Check out how easy FayIN works as an alternate tracking solution for After Effects.
There are plenty of tracking options both in and out of After Effects. Internally, Ae has point trackers, a JDI 3D Camera tracker and most recently, a mask tracker, that can also be cleverly used as a planar tracker. All of these options are native to Ae, and if that wasn’t enough, After Effects also comes bundled with that fantastic planar tracker in Mocha.
Recently, Fayteq technologies added another and quite different tracking experience for After Effects, in their FayIN Plugin.
FayIN is quite possible the easiest and best integrated way to track for inserts in After Effects. Check out the latest tutorials showing how easily FayIN works.
Simply add the effects and paint in the area where you want your insert to be tracked into. That is pretty much it. The plugin works as an effect within Ae, so you don’t need to bounce out into another application and copy and paste data. It is rather foolproof.