Producer, consultant and trainer Helge Maus offers a great overview for Arnold C4D, showing how it can adapt easily to a visual effects workflow. Arnold is a brute force, unbiased renderer that is really well integrated and easy to use in Cinema 4D. If you are curious as how Arnold integrates in C4d, this is definitely an FMX talk that you should watch.
In fact, Arnold C4D only uses a handful of tags, unlike the long list that other third party renderers rely on. This is because there is one main tag that pretty much handles everything, contextually adapting to your selections. Helge stresses in his talk that Arnold C4D, is a simple and easy to use renderer, built for artists, not technicians.
You may recall that Solid Angle was purchased by Autodesk recently, stirring up rumblings that support for other 3D packages would soon vanish. The talk at FMX started with the Chief Architect of Arnold, Marcos Fajardo who reassured Solid Angle’s commitment to Cinema 4D in particular, sighting a great relationship with Maxon developers and new Arnold versions since the acquisition.