Xtrudy, an Even Distribution Alternative to C4D’s Extrude

You may have noticed that the Extrude Object in Cinema 4D can give you and uneven distribution of polygons that can result in some bad looking boundaries. This not only effects rendering, but animation as well, especially if you are going to deform the object in any way. Now there could be a new alternative to using C4D’s standard extrude. Xtrudy is a new plugin for Cinema 4D that allows for a much better distribution of triangles.

Xtrudy is an alternative to the native Cinema 4D Extrude object

When it comes to surface quality, Xtrudy was created to be the best alternative to the native Cinema 4D Extrude Object. The plugin comes to us from the creators of EFFEX, the simulation framework for dynamics and visual effects in Cinema 4D.

Xtrudy creates caps with evenly distributed polygons, giving you the best deformation on the boundaries of your object. The plugin allows for adaptive 2D tessellations that are much more evenly distributed, and can give you more geometry in selective areas of your model.

This adaptive resolution can be useful for better control in terrain modeling, cloth simulations, and any deformation animation.

Xtrudy features:

  • Evenly distributed triangulations (Delaunay) minimizing bad polygons
  • Adaptive triangle size control for hull & holes
  • Control adaptivity with splines
  • Relaxation & Smoothing post operations
  • Extented UVW data control
  • Automatic Selection tags for each and every surface generated
  • Automatic VertexMap tag containing adaptivity weights
  • Custom fillet profile spline
  • Refinement tool for interactive adaptivity control