Working With Moho’s Smart Bone Actions

Moho (formerly Anime Studio) offers a lot of professional features for character animation. Many features allow you to create character rigs in a familiar way. One feature, Smart Bone Actions, lets you correct your character’s deformations on certain poses.

When working on other dcc’s this would be a pose space deformation, or a corrective shape. If you are familiar with character rigging in a 3D app, Moho’s Smart bone Actions are similar. They are a blend of corrective deformations and driven keys.

In Moho, you can control the shape of how a limb is bending, by making a “trigger” that will adjust the look of the deformation. You are basically telling Moho, “When I rotate this bone, i want the shape to look like this in this pose.”

Here, Annotator and Artist, McCoy Buck offers a some insights into creating Smart Bone Actions. By the way, McCoy has what looks to be a really good course on the subject of rigging. His Complete Rigging Course: Moho & Anime Studio, covers everything that you need to know to create professional-grade rigs in Moho.