The object manager in Cinema 4D is a great panel to get a quick overview of your scene and what is going on with it. During the course of working on a project, you might find yourself spending quite a bit of time navigating through hierarchies and traversing through what might seem like an endless staggered list of things.
Never search large hierarchies again! Use labels to organize your scene and objects.
This must be what Florian Wagner noticed when working, because he developed a handy tool to alleviate some of that hunting. His new Label Plugin for C4D allows you to use labels, or bookmarks to quickly get back to a place in the object manager. The tool also lets you fold and unfold large hierarchies really quickly.
Another cool feature is that you can place labels on the viewport as a heads-up-display. Clicking on the HUD labels brings you to the referenced place in the object manager. Pretty cool.
Cinema 4D Labels Plugin is being offered as a “pay what you want” download. Visit the Label Plugin page to learn more and get a copy.