Why manually populate and animate automobiles, busses and transport vehicles for city street scenes? There is a plugin for Cinema 4D that takes care of all that for you, with a few clicks. RealTraffic Simulator easily created realistic traffic scenes where special objects manage traffic flow and control light signals. Cars, trucks, buses or trams can be created and configured with just a few clicks.
getting started with RealTraffic, the traffic simulator for CINEMA 4D
The RealTraffic Simulator helps in the three areas that make up traffic: Vehicles, Roads, and Control. The plugin uses an Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), developed by the TU Dresden, which simulates human-like driving behavior. Check out how it all works. C4dPlugin’s Klaus Heyne walks through creating a road network, setting up vehicles, and simulating traffic.
RealTraffic runs under Cinema 4D R15-R18, under MacOS and Windows systems.