There is nothing like seeing architectural interior renders that have a nice, yet composed sense of details. Think more than just “populating” the scene with knick-knacks and items to give the interior a sense that it is lived in. How materials interact and connect with each other are also very important. One such detail is creating moldings where the walls meet the floor and ceilings. Always a nice detail to add. Now you can build those easily without spending a lot of time.
This is thanks to a free preset for Cinema 4D aptly called the Moulding Preset. Created by the folks at La Famille (Philippe Auclaire, Anseau Delassalle, and Arnaud Lammens), the handy C4D preset can be really useful for those architectural interiors. It can also be something to use for more abstract work too.
Get the Molding Preset for Cinema 4D here.