Work has begun on making Blender’s Grease Pencil a full-fledged object in Blender’s scene. As a blender object, users will be able to use blender’s standard toolset on grease pencil’s painted objects, such as modifiers.
Recently, Blender Developers have posted a little teaser that shows an implementation of the first modifier objects for grease pencil objects. Developer Antonio Vazquez has just implemented the first ones for Grease Pencil objects and Daniel Martinez Lara demonstrates them in use.
“Even though more modifiers are planned, focus now is to squash as many bugs as possible before merging with the main Blender 2.8. This development is currently happening on the ‘greasepencil-object’ branch.” The developers mention.
This marks the “second stage” implementations listed in the roadmap that was meant to include things like:
- Improve onion skin
- Better line styles and fills (Geometry Shaders)
- Integrate GPencil with Render layers
- Modifiers (Noise, Build, etc)
The new modifiers that are shown in the video include Array, Lattice, Simplify, Noise, Tint, Hue Saturation Value, and Blur. Exciting so far!