Luciano A. Muñoz Sessarego shows how to make a simple head turn with Grease Pencil in Blender.
Grease Pencil in Blender is a tool that bridges 2D animation and 3D animation into one incredible workflow. If you’ve been looking to get started using GP in Blender, look no further than The Adventures of Lollypop man, Luciano A. Muñoz Sessarego’s latest tutorial.
An Intro to Grease Pencil: Creating a Head Turn.
Luciano’s tutorial covers the essential topics for working with GP in Blender and shows how you can create a simple head turn for a character. The tutorial covers adding color, sculpting poses, and using modifiers in this fun and easy exercise.
About Luciano A. Muñoz Sessarego.
Luciano is an Animator from Chile, currently living in Sydney, working for Animation and VFX projects, passionate about CG and the craft of animation, loves beers, food, and people.