The Perseus Auto-Rigging System Adds a New Independent Tool for Automating the Creation of Full-Featured Facial Rig in Maya
There are no shortage of auto-rigging tools for character work in Maya. That’s because Maya offers a pretty good environment for TD’s to automate repetitive tasks and create things fairly constantly in a pipeline. Most of the character auto-rig tools will offer a modular system of working, making it flexible for all types of characters. The one thing that you don’t see too often, is an auto-rigging tool that can handle creating a flexible facial rig.
One auto-rigger, Perseus, offers a stand-alone tool just for setting up a complex facial rig based on the user input of selecting edges and adjusting curves. Perseus Facial Rigging plugin for Maya is the creation of Mohammad Jafarian, who created it to be a fast way to rig faces with some nice controls.
Perseus Facial Rigging carries a price of around $200. Learn more about the Perseus Auto Rig System here.
The Perseus Facial Rigging plugin Features:
- Fast rigging
- Based on edge selection and adjust curves
- Project curve on 3d model in front viewport
- Auto generation of controllers
- Intelligent auto-weighting
- Direct control
- Auto deformation manipulation
- Classified facial controllers
- Influence eye target on eyelids
- Completely independent from the body rigging
- compatible with unreal engine and unity
- 2d style rigging-translate,squash and stretch on eyes,eyebrows,nose and mouth
- Corner lip attributes includes eye,jaw ,cheek influence and sticky lips
- Compatibility :Maya 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018