How to Create Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces in Cinema 4D

Wolfgang Rode Shows How to Create a Jigsaw Puzzle in C4D, With a Fundamental Exercise in Spline Work

Wolfgang Rode, also known online as “contrafibbularities” shares a look into creating a heart-shaped jigsaw puzzle in Cinema 4D. The series runs through a lot of drawing tips and is a really great exercise for working with Splines in C4D.

The 8 part series is an extension of an early tutorial where Rode demonstrated the basics for creating spline shapes in Cinema 4D. If you want to follow along, the tutorial requires at least Cinema 4D R17 or newer, or C4D Lite. Rode also uses Nitro 4D’s free Magic Mirror Spline which makes modeling with splines in C4D much easier.

Splines in C4D are not only for modeling. Splines can be used for quite a few animation tasks, deformations, dynamics and even be made visible in renders. Check out the rest of the tutorial series for creating jigsaw puzzle pieces below: