Motion Designer Dimitris Ladopoulos Uses Houdini for Subdividing Two Rembrandt Portraits Into New Work
Dimitris Ladopoulos is an Athens-based Art Director and Motion Designer. His latest work revolved around modifying an old Dutch master’s work using the modern technology of subdividing within Side FX Houdini.
Ladopoulos used a procedural algorithm designed in Houdini that would subdivide some of his favorite portrait paintings. “The inspiration came from the type of diagrams called ‘treemaps’” Ladopoulos says. “it takes a rectangle and splits it vertically and then horizontally.”
The result gets put back into the loop, over and over again, producing a mosaic of different sized tiles. The system also uses the color sample from the original oil painting as input. The final images look striking!
Visit Dimitris Ladopoulos’ Portraits page for more images on the series.