TopoWire is the Definitive for Creating Wires in C4D

Merk Vilson’s Topowire Tool is a Powerful Way to Incorporate / Experiment with Wires in C4D Scenes.

You may have noticed a lot more Cinema 4D work that incorporates dangling groups of hanging wires. That’s not by mere serendipity, it’s by Merk Vilson’s design. His new TopoWire tool is arguably the definitive plugin for creating and working with wires in Cinema 4D.

Plugin That generates Splines

TopoWire is a spline generator plugin that works by attaching splines to geometry in a few different ways. Those splines can instantly turn into dynamic splines at the click of a button. To create wires with the plugin you only need to make the geometry a child of the TopoWire object. Changing the distribution type will alter the effect.

You can either create wires inside of an object or between a series of objects. Using the settings, you can control the splines with a falloff object or have then hang utilizing a curvature setting.

The plugin also allows you to create geometry with a click, by setting a thickness attribute. You can then control a variable thickness to the geo using a spline graph.

TopoWire is available for Cinema 4D R14-R19 and is currently on promotion with a price of $30 for a limited time. Learn more here.