Alternative 2D Animation Software You May Have Missed

Mick Seegobin Offers a Quick Look at 2D Animation Tools That You Can Use Instead of the Old Standbys.

If you create a lot of 2D animation, including employing a more traditional 2D Animation workflow, there are quite a few more tools out there than you might realize. Indeed, everyone has heard of ToonBoom Harmony, Moho, and Animate CC (Formerly Flash). Yet there are a ton of other packages out there that have some really great features too. Animator Mick Seegobin covers a few tools that you can use for animation, and that you may not even know of their existence. It is by no means an extensive list, but the short list of 4 hits some subtle highlights.

Seegobin list introduces Cacani, Krita, Anime Effects and Blender for its updated Grease Pencil tool. With Blender 2.8, the grease pencil tool has become much more than just a markup tool. It is completely integrated into Blender and allows you to create 2D animation using Blender’s native 3D entities. The system also uses Blender’s internal brush engine, modifiers and more.

More alternative 2D Animation Tools

Mick Seegobin’s list covers a few of his favorites, but that doesn’t mean that there are not more great tools out there. Spine, Dragon Bones, Synfig, Pencil2D, OpenToonz, CrazyTalk Animator, CelAction2D, and of course, TVPaint all show that there are a host of alternatives for people looking to create animation.