Working With Top Stitching in Marvelous Designer

Travis Davids shows how to work with a new feature in marvelous designer for creating top stitching.

The latest version of Marvelous Designer allows users to create new details, called top stitching. It’s a great way to get more realistic and finder details into your artwork. For a look into how this feature works, check out this tutorial by Travis Davids who explores the new feature in Marvelous Designer 7.

Marvelous Designer 7 will let users create an array of stitch patterns including segmented and free topstitch. Davids shows the differenced between them all and shows how to apply the stitch to a T-Shirt object.

Find out how Davids created the t-shirt in this tutorial with his other tutorial. Flipped Normals also had a look into how to make a T-shirt with MD: check that out here.