Lookdev kit is a Free Tool for Arnold in Maya

Lookdev kit is a Free Tool for Arnold in Maya

Dusan Kovic’s Lookdev Kit contains multiple HDRs and an easy way to make turntables.

Check out this free tool for Maya from CG Artist Dusan Kovic. Lookdev Kit is something that can help aid the look development process when you are using Arnold for rendering in Maya. The kit comes with a few HDRs and a quick way to switch between them, so you can effectively see your objects and materials against various lighting and reflection situations.

The Kit also has a way to create quick turntable animations to present your assets. Turntables come complete with Macbeth Charts, along with chrome and grey spheres for references. The kit lets you control DOF and focus too. “All this is created in my free time, so I’m giving it for free,” Dusan says about the kit.

Download the Lookdev Kit for Arnold here. https://www.artstation.com/dusankovic/store/xyB3/lookdev-kit