Dimitris Katsafouros shares his thoughts on Cavalry and shows how you can get started animating quickly.
Since The Scene Group’s launch of the public Cavalry App beta, we’ve seen some pretty cool animations and tests popping up here and there. If you’re a C4D motion artist and still haven’t jumped on board, now is your chance.
Dimitris Katsafouros breaks down Cavalry.
Cavalry is a new alternative here to save motion designers from the mismanaged, antiquated workflows of other 2D animation applications. Cavalry is an app designed for Motion Design, Generative Art, Character Animation, Data Visualisation, FUI, Visual Effects, and much more.
In his latest video, Dimitris Katsafouros shows getting started with Cavalry, shares his thoughts on the application, and shows how familiar it feels to C4D users. “I’m going through my experience with the beta and why I think it has the potential to be the next big thing!” Katsafouros says.
Connect and Drive Anything With Anything.
One of the things that make Cavalry App so exciting for motion design is how you can connect attributes and drive properties with other properties from other objects.
“It’s basically mograph but for two dimensions,” “It’s incredible how much of your knowledge, you can transfer from mograph in cinema 4d to Cavalry,” Katsafouros notes. Once you figure out the basics, you will feel right at home in a matter of minutes.
Get Cavalry App Public Beta
It’s pretty easy. Visit the Scene Group and join in on the beta. You can also find more information on the public beta here. The Cavalry App Public Beta release is free, and it’s available for macOS and Windows.
Then have a look at some of the getting started tutorials and documentation to help get you going.